Sunday, September 16, 2012


To most of us prayer is burdensome because we have not learned that prayer consists in telling Jesus what we or others lack. We do not think that that is enough. Instinctively we feel that to pray cannot be so easy as all that. For that reason we rise from prayer many times with heavy hearts. "Can God hear this prayer of mine? Will God heed my humble supplications? And how will He do it? Everything seems so impossible." Then we go on living in a state of suspense and looking intently for the answer to our prayers. And when the answer is not forthcoming at once, we think that we must do something in addition to that which we have already done before God can hear us. Just what this something is, we are not certain of in our own minds. And this uncertainty causes that inner anxiety and worry which makes prayer so painful. Especially is this the case if we or some of our dear ones are in great distress and it is imperative that our prayers be heard.

All this is changed when we, like the mother of Jesus, learn to know Him so well that we feel safe when we have left our difficulties with Him.

-Ole Hallesby
Thank you, HZ, for this wonderful quote!  I'm adding O. Hallesby's book on Prayer to my upcoming reading list!

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